Wednesday 1 June 2011

away from the path

I  feel a bit off centre.

Up until the last month or so i was in a pretty good place. I was keeping up with excercise and eating well, and then i thought ok, im doing ok now lets start looking for some permenant work( again, even thou i was currently working but only casual hours) and where i am, man , its got a great reputation, its a not for profit company, staff are ok  but they seem all really constricted in some way like they are not free to be themselves, and it looks nicely resourced. But still im uncomfortable there.

I want to get back to excersing and keeping healthy but as im working more hours im finding it difficult now to do so.
where is the magic fairy wand when u want one  :)

Saturday 21 May 2011


So study has been pretty good. its only been 2 classes, but as im a few weeks behind, i have to play catch up. I dont mind that its just learning all the codes and stuff but practise makes perfect :)

I recently deleted a male friend from facebook and i did like this guy, we went to school together and lost contact for a while then over facebook began chatting again and met up a few times and i felt we just connected, but as time went by, i felt that it was always me making times to catch up or me sending txt msg or calling and i know that as friends it normally is a 2 way street, but him making the first move never really seemed to happen, and i found myself facebook stalking, checking his page reading the comments made. I sorta realised at this point something wasnt quite right. and then the clincher was he had to go to court and he never told me. I just felt saddened that he couldn't confide in me. This was a guy whom i thought liked me.

So its been a few months since then and i havent heard from him at all, and im second guessing my decision now, was it the right thing to do? does he even realise we are no longer facebook friends? wat if i sent him a msg on fb explaining things? But then i stop and think... its not worth it your just reaching out for that conversation, because u think u need it, if he was interested he would have made some contact right??!! And do i really want someone like that in my life??
The answer is no.
I want to be treated nicely get the suprise pick ups from work or dropping round at my place, im not a huge romantic but little things that say i think about you.
Is that too much of an expectation?

I just wanto to know if im gonna meet Mr Right one day? does a mr right even exist or is there just a mr right now?
How does one know??

Monday 16 May 2011

first day 2moro!

Im a bit excited, a bit nervous and a whole heap scared. Ive recenly left my job, 2moro i start my studies in tourism. As i just walked into TAFE last thursday only just enquring of courses available, and now before i know it i've enrolled and it all starts 2moro night!! Its kinda exciting hitting the books again, but a bit daunting at the same time i havent written an essay in a long, long time :)

Life has been a bit up and down this year.
Ive left my job, i've moved back to the parental home, im now looking for work but realising i dont want to work in this field anymore my heart isnt in it, ive loved a d lost, and now i look to the future with an open mind and an open heart. well thats the plan anyway and add in to that loose o few kilos on the way. Doesnt seem like much, but the plate feels pretty full already.